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How to Take Care of a Maple Tree in Colorado Springs

Kaitlyn Pratt • Aug 24, 2020

A Maple tree is one of the most common trees found within the city of Colorado Springs. With the proper care, maples can thrive in the Colorado Front Range. There are close to 200 species of maple trees and shrubs in the world, but some maples do better in the Colorado climate than others. Amur maple, Norway maple, and silver maple are some of the more common maple trees found in the Front Range.

Top 4 Tips in Caring for Maple Trees in Colorado Springs

Maple Tree Trimming

Maples are a relatively fast-growing robust tree. Maple trees tend to grow out more than up so the limbs can become over-crowded. Maple limbs can grow to be very large which can increase the chances of damage to property from fallen limbs. Trimming your maple tree periodically will make the tree stronger and healthier, and it will reduce the risk of damage to property from fallen limbs.

Maples need at least a class 1 prune which involves removing the major deadwood out of the tree. This reduces the risk of falling limbs and allow the tree to redirect its water and energy resources to the living part of the tree.

A class 2 prune may also be beneficial and is typically not much more expensive, so many homeowners will end up taking this route. In a class 2 trim, competing limbs (limbs that cross over each other) are removed and the tree is thinned out in addition to the removal of deadwood. A class 2 trim opens the tree up and allows more light and air to circulate through its limbs and branches. Trimming a tree in this way will help to strengthen its overall structure which will make it healthier and more able to withstand storms.

Insects and Tree Spraying

Tree pest colonies can cause damage to the health of a tree by feeding on their leaves and bark or by clogging up their vascular systems. Maple trees in Colorado are prone to Norway Maple Aphid and Cottony Maple Scale. These insects colonize and feed on the maple leaves which may cause damage to the tree. These insects can be spotted by the cottony sacks that they leave on twigs.

Tree spraying is the best way to rid a tree of insects. Maple trees should be sprayed in late May and again in July to prevent insect infestations. Spraying during this window will catch the insects in the crawler stage before they cause significant damage.

Water and Deep Root Feeding

Maple trees can adapt well to the Colorado climate, but sometimes drought will cause trees to decline. Watering a tree once a month can help a tree to bounce back. When watering a tree make sure that the temperature is above 40 degrees, then leave a hose at the base of the tree on a trickle for about 30 to 45 minutes.

The Colorado soil can be dry and rocky which can affect the number of nutrients that a tree is able to get out of the soil. Many trees, particularly those that are not native to the area, will need additional nutrients to grow healthy. Deep root feeding will help a tree that is not receiving enough nutrients from the soil. Deep root feeding involves injecting a mixture of fertilizer into the soil for the tree to take up over time.

When to Consider Tree Removal

Dead trees should always be removed from a residential or commercial property so that they do not become a fall hazard. If a tree is sick and not responding to watering and deep root feeding it may time to remove it. Some species of maple are soft wooded and more susceptible to root rot. Trees with root rot are more likely to fall or break in a storm. If the tree is leaning too far to one side or if there is cracking in the soil around the base of the tree it may have root rot and be prone to falling. If a tree is leafless, has deep cracks at the base of the tree, has excessive lean, or is showing signs of root rot, it may be sick or dead and should be considered for removal.

Precision Tree offers free estimates and has been in the tree trimming and removal business for nearly 20 years. For a Free Consultation, please give us a call

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